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MBBSB is a volunteer run organization.

We could not do what we do without YOUR help. There are many opportunities to help out, support the league and fulfill your *Work Bond Hours. 

Included in the Spring Rec season registration will be opportunities to volunteer for the Commissioner, Coach and Team Parent roles.  See below for documents that give a  overview of those positions. 

In addition we are also looking to fill the following support positions. These positions are not listed in the registration, If you are interested or just need more information, please reach out to us at:


Opening Day Coordinator- Filled Head Team Parent - Filled Field Maintenance Coordinator
Picture Night Coordinator - Filled Snack Bar Manager Uniform Manager - FIlled
High School Night - Softball Umpire Coordinator Equipment Manager _Filled
High School Night - Baseball Sponsorship Coordinator - Filled
Clinic Coordinator - Filled
End of Year Picnic Coordinator - Filled
Trophy Coordinator - Filled

*What is a work bond?

Each Family will be required to perform 9 hours of service for the benefit of MBS per year. To ensure that each Family meets this obligation, each Family must pay $150 upon registration (the “Work Bond”). The Work Bond will be forfeited to MBS if the Family does not complete its hours of service requirement prior to the next annual registration period. Click here for the form

Approved Work Bond Activities: Commissioners, Managers, Assistant Coaches, Team Parents, Field Work,
Snack Bar, Administrative, Coordinators, Events, Equipment, etc.